Hear ye, hear ye! Due to unusually high excitement regarding this particular Super Saturday, we had to move the "Turn In Your Money Or Else" Date up to NOVEMBER 2nd! NOVEMBER 2nd is the new date! Get your money and your order form in by then! (If you have an order form that says November 9th, it is a lie! NOVEMBER 2nd! That is the real date! Have I bolded NOVEMBER 2nd enough yet in this paragraph to get the message across? One final time:

Please turn in your money and order form by NOVEMBER 2nd!

Hello and Welcome, Coppell 1st Ward Relief Society Friends! You have entered the Super Saturday blog, where all of your wildest dreams might just come true... well, if you dream about crafting, that is. :) Here's the basics, just so you don't forget:

When: Saturday, November 15th
Time: 9am-1pm
What: Crafting Your Brains Out
Food: We'll be having potluck soup lunch (so if you don't want to craft your brains out, you can come have a bowl of soup and some girl talk... starting at about noon).
Children's Class: Of course!
Free: There will be one free craft-earrings!
Money: The money for all of your crafts must be turned in by Sunday, November 2nd! You snooze, you lose! Make checks payable to either Bethany Weed or Lisa Schaack.
Questions? You can email us: CP1SuperSaturday (at) gmail (dot) com

P.S.-These pictures aren't super high quality photography. They're just meant to remind you of what you saw at church. The real thing is much cuter! :)

P.P.S- We've estimated the time it takes to complete each of these projects so that you can plan wisely and not take on more than you can complete in 4 hours. But the time doesn't include all your chit chat so plan for that also! :)

Thanks! Now peruse below to see what you might want to craft!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Rustic Wooden Nativity

At last! A nativity that your kids and grandkids can play with to their hearts' content and it won't break! Larger figures are approximately 5'' (just to give you the scale of this thing.) It comes with the Three Wisemen, a camel, Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus, a donkey, a sheep and a shepherd.

You can customize this set with black, brown or white paint, which will all be available-but if you'd like something different, you're more than welcome to bring it!

$10.50 for the set, 1.5 hours to complete.

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